It was a crazy summer-weather day, which came on the heels of a series of cold and rainy days, so it was bizarre and wonderful to have to think about sunscreen and be able to wear a tank top! An outing at a crowded location with two mobile and independent-minded toddlers was a bit of an adventure, to say the least! Although the two boys were usually running in opposite directions, we did get a chance to have some good conversations with Dan and Annalee, and it was so much fun to see how much Miles has grown since the last time we saw him. The boys both loved the butterflies, running around in the sculpture park, and having some ice cream treats at the end of the day!
Ooh, butterflies! Nathan would shriek with excitement every time a butterfly flew his way, it was so cute!
My boys! (and my cute new purse in the background)
Sweet and serious Miles--isn't he cute?
Miles was NOT amused about his Mommy picking him up to move to a different spot--check out that pout!
A hug for Daddy!
Cute blond boys
Me and my son--how did he get so big????
Sculpture park, tropical garden with exotic butterflies, and it's a pile of mulch that gets these two all excited!
Butterfly chair!
Miles demonstrating his impressive upper body strength--this kid is a climber!
All day, while looking at interesting stuff, N would clasp his hands behind his back.
Cute hubby alert!
Boys on the run!
Mmmm... ice cream!
Looking at butterflies wears a guy out.
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