My Great-Aunt Ann (my grandpa's sister) and Great-Uncle Bob, Uncle Mark (my mom's brother), Aunt Jeanne, and my cousins Jenna and Ryan were all able to find time in their schedules to join us for the festivities. We all enjoyed chatting and catching up with each other. It was interesting to talk, as everyone in the family seems to be at a point of transition in their lives. Ann and Bob just welcomed a new grandson to the world, Ryan is starting at massage school in a few weeks, Jenna just graduated from Kenyon, my cousin Trevor (who had to work and couldn't make it) just graduated from high school, and Mark and Jeanne just bought a new house and are embarking on the life of empty nesters!
It was so great to see them and hear all their stories. I love my family!!
Nathan's first trip to Lake Ontario.
Of course we need a self portrait to mark the occaision. :)
Four Generations!!
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