Wow! Nathan is seven months old already! It boggles me how quickly time is flying. Nathan's personality has really started blooming this month. He is smiling and laughing a lot, but he will definitely fuss if he is tired, hungry or bored. He's rolling around like crazy to get where he wants to go. He'll push up onto his forearms and scoot around in a circle to change direction, and then roll to reach whatever toy he is after. Nathan is also becoming a proficient sitter! He will still forget sometimes that he has to hold himself up, and topple over unexpectedly, but most of the time he's pretty steady. Blowing raspberries and big rolling belly laughs have been added to his verbal reprotoire. He still absolutely loves being outdoors, watching the leaves blow and playing with the grass. Nathan has really started noticing and being amused by Deuce and Ozzie this month. He thinks they are SO funny, and he will giggle while Deuce prances around. He also loves to grab handfuls of their fur and pull, so we have to keep a close eye on him. Here are some photo and video updates--as you can see, Nathan is more of a ham for the camera than ever!!
Showing off his sitting skills and playing with his favorite yellow cup.

Early morning raspberries and camera-flirting.
7 month update
Sitting up and exploring
Ah yes, the grabbing the dog age! Everytime Teah grabbed the dog I would open her hand and say, "we pet the dog", then take her open hand and show her how to pet. Works a lot better to tell them what to do rather than what not to do! Nathan is so cute! We can't wait to see him again soon.
I need to see Nathan sometime soon - I can't believe how big he's getting!!
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