For the most part I've been feeling really good lately, even though my belly keeps getting bigger. I've had a bit more energy in the last few weeks, and have been able to do some walking and started taking a prenatal yoga class this week. The heat has been affecting me more than I expected it to--wearing me out, and also causing some beautiful heat-induced hives. Thankfully I live and work in air conditioned buildings! After suffering some pretty intense pelvic pain for about 6 weeks, I finally said something about it to my midwife at my 28 week appointment. She referred me to a physical therapist, and my work with her has made such a difference! Between her adjustments and my faithfully following the daily exercises and stretching she's prescribed I am feeling significantly better, and it's a big reason that I've been able to so some more walking and yoga.
Pepper has been getting into a bit of a predictable routine with her sleeping and waking periods. I love feeling her kick and move around. At least in utero, she is much more mellow than Nathan was. During meditation/relaxation during yoga, where Nathan would decide it was time to start a super distracting dance party, I can feel Pepper moving just a little bit and imagine that she is just focusing on relaxing her body with mine.
My midwife appointment this week went well. Pepper's heartrate was 143 BPM, and she was in the same transverse position as she was on my visit two weeks ago. She's a consistent little thing! Hopefully she will eventually decide to turn head-down, but there's still plenty of time for that. I'm measuring right on track with fundal height and have gained 16lbs total, which is well within the healthy range. I am on the home stretch with the weekly progesterone shots that I've been getting since early in the first trimester (initially to help prevent miscarriage and now to help prevent pre-term labor since N was early). Only six more injections to go! Let's hope they do the trick and keep this little one cooking to full term. It's hard to believe that I'm now meeting with the midwife every two weeks!
Me and my 30 week belly:
30 weeks pregnant with Nathan:
1 comment:
You look so cute!!!! And way to go on 16lbs weight gain - that is fantastic! You can tell she's situated differently than Nathan - crazy!
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