Becky, Andy, Hannah and Leah are living in Manhattan for a year as part of Andy's job. As I have been remiss in visiting them since their move to the East Coast several years ago, I thought that visiting them in the Big Apple was an irresistible opportunity. A cheap flight and a few vacation days later, and there I was, at long last spending some much needed time with Becky and her family.
The trip was the perfect balance of taking part in their everyday life--taking the girls to and from school, going to Hannah's dance class, exploring their neighborhood and the local playground--and doing some sightseeing in Times Square and Central Park.
Most of all, it was so great to have several days in a row of some really great time with Becky. We are great friends who are terrible about keeping in touch as much as we would like to. One of the things I treasure about our friendship though, is just how easily we are immediately completely comfortable with each other and able to talk about anything and everything. I also got to spend a lot of time with Andy, Hannah and Leah. Definitely a great trip! My only regret is that I decided to be lazy and bring our ancient point and shoot instead of my nice camera. Wow, it was a powerful reminder that it's worth the extra bulk for the enormously improved picture quality and camera performance!
You can't visit NYC without having a "slice" for lunch.
On Friday evening, Becky and I went out on a "date," which started with pedicures. Then we took the subway to Grand Central Station, which is beautiful, ornate, and BUSY! Here is the main hall:
You knew this shot was coming. :)
Every single person we encountered during my visit thought that Becky and I were sisters. In this photo I can definitely see why!

Cool Dr. Seuss display outside of the library. Unfortunately, the library was already closed for the day when we got there, which was a bummer because I've heard that it is gorgeous.
Classic lion statue in front of the library.
Times Square--talk about visual and people overload!! This place was crazy! I can't imagine what it would be like on New Year's Eve. I think I am content to watch that madness on my tv screen.
We had dinner at a great Cuban restaurant just off of Times Square. It was SOOOO delicious!
Pretty toes!
Playing with two little girls was a whole different world from my usual occupation with hot wheels and play-dough. Lots of princesses and cupcake parties and pink! Here is Hannah modeling one of the princess costumes--both girls love to play dress-up and change their clothes constantly. So cute!
My wonderful hosts on the pathway that runs along the East River.
Chasing pigeons is an endless source of entertainment, regardless of your age.
RFK bridge, and another one whose name I can't remember, over the East River.
Playground time! Hannah peeking out from the top of the slide.
Leah is a little monkey--not afraid of climbing on anything and everything. She is taking a gymnastics class that she is in love with--sanctioned monkey business! :)
Saturday afternoon Becky and I walked over to Park Avenue and Central Park. It was a gorgeous day and there were lots of people out taking advantage of the sunshine and relatively temperate climate. I love how peaceful and beautiful it is in Central Park, and it always reminds me of Retiro Park in Madrid, where we spent many a weekend day while I was studying there in college.
After our excursion to the park, we met up with Andy and the girls at their favorite local BBQ haunt, Brother Jimmy's. Even though it was Carolina BBQ (and therefore not as good at Texas BBQ of course) it was pretty darn tasty--especially the combo of the original and blazin' sauces.
Of course I had to get a skyline photo from their balcony. So lovely!
I'm envious of your very delicious looking food!!
what a fabulous time!!!
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