We are very blessed to have extended family, and friends that are as close as family converge on the Leelanau Peninsula for holiday weekends. This year we decided to bring them together for a potluck picnic at the cottage. It was a gathering of different pockets of family and friends--a combination that makes me realize just how many different people we are lucky enough to have in our support network, as part of the "village" that is helping us to raise Nathan.
Sweet, happy Miles, so stylish in his backwards Tigers hat.
Miles, making friends with Avery by sticking his fingers in her mouth. She didn't seem familiar with this custom (perhaps it's a Lansing thing?) and mommy Annalee intervened to prevent some finger chomping. :)

While the rest of the kids were staying fairly contained in the picnic area, my sweet and busy son was taking Grandma and Grandpa on a grand tour of everyone's car. Man, this kid LOVES cars! I wonder where he gets that from?

Nathan and Alex getting busted trying to bust into the shop where the classic cars live. Mischievous, these two! :)

Nathan, who refused to take a nap at his normal time, could not keep his eyes open once he had a full belly. Perhaps he has inherited his mother's propensity for falling asleep in odd places???

Erin and Alex. Alex would only grin after being told "Alex, do NOT smile for the camera!" Gotta love toddler psychology...

The goal: a photo of me with Nathan and Miles where all three of us were looking at the camera. Take one, only Miles was up for the challenge.

Take two, Nathan is way too interested in Alex and Michael playing catch to participate in photography shenanigans.

1 comment:
That's a lot of beautiful and happy babies!
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