Oh, Nathan, you are so funny! He is so interested in everything around him, and often gets involved in little projects: taking everything out of a bin and then putting it back in, "dusting" the windowsill with a sock, etc. He also loves to read, and will pull books off of the shelf and bring them to us to read to him. N is still not too interested in walking, but has gotten to the point that he enjoys holding onto our hands and walking around that way. I think he's so good at getting where he needs to go while crawling that he doesn't feel the need to walk. Todd and I are simultaneously looking forward to seeing him toddle around, but also enjoying him in this fleeting time that he's still in a baby stage.
His vocabulary is growing to include: ball (bah!), dog (gah!), knows the answer to "what does the dog say? ("woof"), kitty (kiii-tee), bye bye, baby, and sock (gock!), that and this. He says the syllables "ma" and "da" but the little stinker still won't say mama and dada!
Chipmunk cheeks full of goldfish crackers.
Always exploring!
For those of you who were disgusted by him eating a McDonald's hamburger, here's a shot of him eating ground sirloin on a whole wheat bun! See, we don't completely neglect our child's nutrition! :)

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