Nathan had his nine month well-baby check-up today with Dr. Dyk. He got his final Hepatitis B vaccine and his flu shot, and got a clean bill of health from the doc. Nathan's favorite part about going to the doctor is the full-length mirror next to the examination table. A close second is the paper covering the table, which makes wondefully entertaining crinkly noises. Thanks to my camera phone I was able to catch him in action.
Nathan is still a little peanut with a big ol' head! The doctor said he is totally comfortable with Nathan's size, that N is still growing and gaining weight really well, but at the moment he is just a small kid. Here are his latest stats:
Weight: 17lbs, 10 oz (10th percentile)
Height: 27 1/4" (10th-25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 1/4" (75th percentile!!!!! Hopefully that means he's got lots of brains!)
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