Janelle and her two daughters Mia (6) and Morgan (1) joined us for the excursion, which was great because I hadn't seen her since my baby shower! We hung out at the Appledorns' house for awhile and got to admire the newly reorganized house, with Mumford's room empty and ready for all his cute baby stuff!
We then headed over to Babies R Us, got the registry gun, and went to town!! I forgot how totally overwhelming the registry process is; it is times like these that living in America, and the overabundance of STUFF that comes with our capitalist market starts to seem like not such a great idea. I think that Janelle and I were able to help Annalee narrow down the options though, and we got a lot accomplished!
After several hours of analyzing baby stuff, we needed to eat! Dan met us at Red Robin, and we had a delicious dinner and great conversation. I am so incredibly excited to see Dan and Annalee become parents. Mumford is a lucky boy!
Annalee is a gorgeous pregnant lady!
Uncle Dan and Nathan

Janelle and Morgan
Mia and Morgan in their adorable matching outfits. Morgan has just learned to walk, and wasn't to interested in sitting still on Mia's lap! :)
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