On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Lewis stopped in Kalamazoo on their way down to Florida for the winter. They came over with Dan and Nancy on Saturday and we all had lunch together and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon hanging out at the house. It was so nice to be at home and to hear all about the projects that Florence and Basil have for the house they recently purchased in Northport. That's right, folks, starting in the spring Grandma and Grandpa will be living in Michigan full time! I'm so excited to see them more often, and to be able to celebrate the holidays with them.
While Nathan was napping, we all passed the time by watching videos of Nathan! :)

Grandpa thought that Nathan had the right idea.
Nay-nay and Grandpa, both recharged from their afternoon naps.

Grandma and Grandpa

Nathan practicing his trick or treating skills with "Gramma Antsy."
Sharing with Papa.
The whole gang.
Our little lion on the way to a Halloween party at Fred and Cindy Bierlein's house.
He was infatuated with his whiskers, "My whiskas, mama!" which, of course, spelled disaster for the poor whiskers!
Ben and Anna's older sister Heidi was in town from Florida with her sweet little daughter, Lily. After shedding their costumes because dressing up like furry creatures gets really hot when you run everywhere you go, Nathan and Lily had fun playing on the dog's bed.
Lily definitely got the gorgeous blue Bierlein eyes!
Nancy and Dan in the spirit of the holiday!
Nathan had a ton of fun running around Fred's absolutely beautiful yard.