On Friday night we went to the annual fish fry. All the guys who go on the fishing trip to Canada get together with their wives and kids and fry up the fish from their trip that's been waiting patiently in the deep freezer since June. It is funny how this gathering has evolved over the years. I'm sure when it first started there were kids running around everywhere while the parents watched and chatted and ran after them. When I came on the scene 11 years ago, the kids were all grown up, and we didn't do so much running around but stayed focused on the eating and drinking. Now there is a new generation of little kids running around, and the parents are running around after them while the grandparents are chatting and pitching in. I love this group of people and the way it has evolved--it is truly a big extended family.
Lizzie (3) thought that Nathan was a perfect companion--big enough to play and talk, but little enough to be bossed around! Nathan thought Lizzie was beautiful and fascinating--definitely worth following around!

Todd and Marvin having a beer and keeping an eye on the kiddos.

Toby and Todd

Ben, John, Dan, Fred and Steve keeping an eye on the deep fryer.
Ruth, Cindy, Debbie and Lynne

Jamie with his twins, Claire and Henry.

The newest addition to the gang: Evelyn Wise Bierlein. Isn't she beautiful???

Nay Nay


Claire and Henry were really interested in testing out the structural strength of John and Debbie's coffee table!

Henry giving Evelyn a kiss on the head.

Sweet little Henry

The boys hard at work on a project--they didn't talk much but both seemed to have the same goal in mind. :)

Claire and Delaney working on a project of their own.