Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hanging out with the Andersons

We got back to Kalamazoo just in time for the Anderson family's visit to town from Connecticut. Becky is one of those amazing women who is so down to earth and wonderful--I miss her like crazy! When she lived in Kzoo we hung out at least every week. Luckily she and I are able to jump quickly back into our old routine, even when we haven't been as good about keeping in touch as we should. Becky, Andy and their daughters Hannah and Leah came over on Friday evening. The grown-ups had some beer and the kids had a blast playing with the toys, chasing the cat and trying to resist the urge to jump and run on the sofa! Since they were in constant motion, and I was chatting, I don't have the best photos, but here's what I've got--I know the cuteness of these three little munchkins will still shine through!

Checking out all the available toys

Nathan and Hannah in full cat detection mode

This photo is totally out of focus, but captures the fun and energy level of the kiddos! :)

"Wait, you said DON'T run on the couch?"

Leah and Nathan snuggling in for story time with Becky

A sweet father-daughter moment with Hannah and Andy

"Hey, Hannah, you're a big kid; do you know how to open this gate?"


By far, Nathan's favorite activity of the week was when Daddy put the slide in the lake. Previous to this, N had been pretty unsure about whether or not he wanted to spend much time in the water, but once he figured out the slide, he could have stayed there all day!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Boys on the Lake

Joey and Andy stopped by one afternoon for a little sun and swimming and dinner. It was great to catch up with them, especially in such a nice setting!


Andy and Deuce rough-housing, as per usual, while Joey, Todd and Nathan relax.

Nathan hanging out with Daddy and guys

Beach bums

We spent almost every waking moment of our vacation on the beach. The weather was gorgeous--warm, but not too hot with almost a constant gentle breeze. In fact, we only ventured away from the cottage one morning to go in to Fremont for breakfast and a quick stop at the grocery store. Other than that it was just relaxation! While Nathan napped every day, Todd snoozed too and I caught up on my reading. Then it was back to the beach until dinner and bed time! This was the most time I've spent with Nathan since my maternity leave, and it was wonderful! I think that all three of us really needed a good chunk of time with no obligations and no schedule.

The golf cart was a huge hit with our vehicle-obsessed son. In fact, we rarely got it out because when it was available, N had eyes for nothing else!

My boys!!!

Hamming it up for the camera

Todd and Nathan working on a very important project--creating a harbor for the toy boats!

Look at that concentration (and the sweet dimple and pudgy wrists!)

Keeping an eye on the perimeter

Playing with the tractor--the metal Tonka trucks were a favorite!

Sharing a treasure with Daddy

Not so sure he likes being in the lake...

Taking a break from playing to have some crackers

Father's Day at the Lake

Todd, Nathan, Deuce and I took a family vacation last week, renting the Lepley family cottage on Sylvan Lake, just north of Newaygo, MI. It is an absolutely beautiful spot--lovely cottage, nice sandy beach, warm lake and plenty of kid toys!

Our second day up there was Father's Day, and my parents came out to spend the day with us. They brought along their two newest toys--kayaks!! Nathan checked them out on land, and then mom and dad hopped in and explored three of the four lakes that are all connected, taking advantage of the morning "no-wake" rule on the lake which made for perfect kayaking conditions. When they got back, they played with Nathan on the beach while Todd and I took them for a spin. It was so much fun! With all of my years of canoeing, the paddling technique felt a little odd, but I did really like feeling so nimble. And, since both Todd and I like to steer when canoeing, each of us having our own kayak worked out well! :)

After we all played in the water, we had a yummy dinner on the screened in porch, and then mom and dad headed back for Ada. It was a perfect summer day!

Nathan checking out Grandma's kayak

Looking good!

Watching from the dock as Grandma and Grandpa kayak off into the wilderness

Deuce and I testing the water--soooo nice!

Sweet father and son picture


Deuce keeping an eye on things--vacation is exhausting when you're a sheepdog!

Grandpa is a crazy scooter driver! Nathan loved every minute!

Playing in the sand with Grandma

Todd and I returning from our kayaking excursion