Last Saturday I had a "bonus day" at home with my boys. I was originally supposed to be on a 4-day work trip to Texas. At the last minute I had to cancel that trip, as I was not getting the critical mass of interested students that warranted my time and the College's money. I was disappointed about missing the trip, as it meant not getting to see some good friends and I also had harbored high hopes for that great high that comes from excellent conversations with amazing kids. However, through an on-campus visit program on Friday and two events in Detroit and Ann Arbor on Sunday, I was able to have that kind of conversation with some really great kids, and it meant that I had Saturday to spend with my family!
It was an absolutely gorgeous day (we have been so lucky this spring) so I decided that we should have a picnic in the back yard. Right now Nathan is really digging Teddy Grahams, which he calls crackers ("ca-cas" in Nathan-speak), so that was the main feature! I also strapped Nathan on my back (first time using the Ergo as a back carrier instead of a front carrier) and we took the dog out for a hike in the woods.
I couldn't have asked for a better day!
Teddy Grahams, sippy cup, sunshine and Mommy--Nathan's loving life!

Off to explore the woods.

Deuce sitting guard over the picnic basket.

Nathan exploring the yard with a reserve of crackers in his cheeks!

My super handsome husband!