Unbelievably, Nathan turned TWO on Friday! Wow, where has the time gone? My little baby is now a full-blown individual. He is smart, funny, affectionate, busy and full of energy. I love him!
Birthday morning welcome, courtesy of the easel from Uncle Stuart and Aunt Erin, and Elvis, Nathan's Christmas elf.

Eating a birthday cupcake for breakfast at his new table. CHEESE!!

Nathan loves coloring, and was thrilled to have his own art center in his playroom.
A Dr. Seuss "wocket" from Greg and Marcia McMorrow
Opening presents from Great Grandma Florence
A big elephant from Mommy. When I saw this at Ikea during travel season, I couldn't resist getting it for him! :)
Flying the jet fighter from Great Grandpa Basil.
Tools from Daddy

Here is an example of what a funny kid he is right now--opening the clothes from Great Grandma Florence