Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two Year Appointment

Last week Nathan had his two year checkup at the pediatrician. When I asked him that morning if he was going to have fun talking to the doctor, he told me, "My be shy." Sure enough, he was very quiet during most of the appointment. He did display his vehicular expertise for the doc though, telling him, "This my police Hummer!" The doctor's response: "Wow, that was really specific!"

When the doctor wanted to look in his ears, Nathan hugged me and said, "My feeling a little nervous." Such a cutie!

My little guy who spent his first year in the 25th percentile for height and weight has been growing like a weed! Here are his stats:
Weight: 32 lbs (75th percentile)
Height: 35 1/4" (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 20 1/8th (90th percentile)

Steve & Joanna's Quilt

When Steve and Joanna got married on October 30, 2009, it was a private ceremony at City Hall in downtown San Francisco. This was absolutely perfect for them--romantic and in a city that they love! From the moment I found out they were engaged, I really wanted to make them a quilt to commemorate their marriage. However, I had only been to their apartment once before, and didn't feel like I really had a handle on their decorating style. Also, they are both really artistic, especially Joanna, so the prospect of making them a quilt (my favorite artistic expression these days) was a bit daunting.

One day I was struck with inspiration, and sent Steve a text asking for three colors that he and Joanna liked in their home. He replied with "Joanna says blue, yellow and gray." I was off! I spent a lot of time poking around on one of my favorite fabric sites, and got most of the prints ordered. When they arrived, I headed over to my local Fields Fabric to get the solids and a few more prints to round out the collection. Then the sewing began!

One of the things I love about creating a quilt is seeing how different it looks during each stage of creation. When I got what I thought was the entire top pieced, I liked it but felt like it was missing something and a touch too small. I rolled some ideas around in my head for a few days, and came up with the idea for the borders, one thin solid gray and one pieced. Once the borders were on, I really fell in love! In fact, this quilt would go perfectly in my bedroom, so I did have one moment of temptation to keep it, but I didn't! :)

It was extra special to me that I was able to give Steve and Joanna their quilt in person when they arrived in Michigan for Christmas. They loved it (or at least did an excellent job pretending that they did)!

The top, completed.

The back--I love bringing some of the fabric from the top into the back.

The recipients!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wrapping Party

I absolutely love the Christmas season and all of the family time and fun that comes along with it. I will admit though, that the work of being one of Santa's elves can be a little tiring, especially when there are lots of presents that need wrapping. Suzanne was struck with brilliant inspiration--gather friends together for food and wine and wrap presents together! It was a ton of fun and we all got a bunch of presents wrapped, and it was before Christmas Eve! The Lepleys' living room was such a sight after we all got started that I couldn't resist photographing the scene.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Rockford Christmas 2010

The Sunday before Christmas we headed up to Rockford for the annual Christmas celebration with the extended Fowle family. Gary and Peggy hosted this year, and with all the kids mobile now it was quite the busy scene!

Michael, Avery and Alex opening presents.

Nathan getting in on the action!

Kaden has this whole present thing down to a science!

Nathan's birthday party

The day after Nathan's actual birthday, both sets of grandparents came over for a celebration with chili, cake and presents. It was nice, relaxing way to celebrate our favorite little guy.

Nathan is now a pro at opening presents.

Doesn't every 2-year-old get a Viper for their birthday?

Did I make the cake myself, or get one from a professional bakery? I'll let you review the photographic evidence and draw your own conclusions.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Unbelievably, Nathan turned TWO on Friday! Wow, where has the time gone? My little baby is now a full-blown individual. He is smart, funny, affectionate, busy and full of energy. I love him!

Birthday morning welcome, courtesy of the easel from Uncle Stuart and Aunt Erin, and Elvis, Nathan's Christmas elf.

Eating a birthday cupcake for breakfast at his new table. CHEESE!!

Nathan loves coloring, and was thrilled to have his own art center in his playroom.

A Dr. Seuss "wocket" from Greg and Marcia McMorrow

Opening presents from Great Grandma Florence

A big elephant from Mommy. When I saw this at Ikea during travel season, I couldn't resist getting it for him! :)

Flying the jet fighter from Great Grandpa Basil.

Tools from Daddy

Here is an example of what a funny kid he is right now--opening the clothes from Great Grandma Florence

This video is long, but N's die-hard fans will like it, and there's a shout-out to Great Grandpa Basil at the end!

Saturday in Ada

Last Saturday both Todd and I had to work (winter is a busy time for both of us). Todd headed off to the shop, and Nathan and I drove up to Ada, where I commandeered Dad's office and N played with Grandma and Grandpa. Mom had pulled some of Steve's toys out of the basement, and N had a blast, especially with the gas pump and Tonka trucks.

Matchbox cars are always a favorite.

Nathan loved the little coloring desk that Mom got for him. Check out the cupholder--fancy!!

I took a little break from work for some lunch and laughter.

Nathan's stocking

I've had the fabric for it since before he was born, but it took me until this year to find the time to finally make Nathan his stocking! I think it turned out pretty darn cute! :)

Deck the Halls

One of my favorite childhood memories is the annual tradition of decorating the Christmas tree. John Denver and the Muppets Christmas album playing, all of us singing at the top of our lungs, and Steve and I each with our favorite ornaments to put on the tree. So much fun! As you can imagine, I was pretty excited that this year Nathan would really be able to participate in the tree trimming. And he had fun! Of course, his attention span didn't last as long as it took to finish decorating, and a few of our ornaments (luckily just cheap ones) got broken, but we had a great time! It's so much fun to carry on the traditions that mean so much to me.

The before picture.

Getting started.

Now he's got the hang of it!

Stopping to admire his work.

"Mommy, I want green one!"
