Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

In celebration of Dad's birthday and Nathan's first Halloween, we had a family potluck at our house this afternoon. Dan and Nancy brought chili, Mom and Dad brought beer, and we provided cheesy jalapeno cornbread, birthday cake and ice cream.

We all hung out and chased Nathan around the living room, and then had great fun getting N dressed up as a lobster and photographing him.

After a tasty meal (sidenote: Nathan loves chili! That's my boy!) we had birthday cake and and played with Nathan some more.

Nathan and Grandpa John, the birthday boy!

Playing with Grandma Nancy

Our little lobster!!!!

Nathan commands quite the audience!

Family photo

Lobster, in his pot!

It turns out that lobsters don't really like being in pots.

Sitting outside of the pot and banging on it is much more fun.


Lobster on the move.

What was this silly thing they put on my head?

Checking out the pumpkin that Grandpa John carved.

Our sheepdog-lobster!

The birthday boy and his cake.


This morning we had to wake Nathan up from his nap to get to swim class on time. Usually he wakes up as soon as we open the door to his room, so it was a rare treat to be able to look at our sleeping baby. We thought that the position he fell asleep in was hilarious--either he zonked out mid-crawl, or his body is prepared to leap into action at any given moment!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

This morning Todd, Nathan, Dan, Nancy and I all hopped in the car and headed off to Gull Meadow Farms in search of some fall fun. That place is great! It has just about every fall activity you could ask for: pumpkin patch, apple picking, wagon ride, cider, donuts, corn maze, and all kinds of kids' activities that will be a blast when Nathan gets a bit older.

We went for a wagon ride around the farm, picked out a pumpkin, and got some donuts and apples. Oh, and of course we had a pumpkin-themed photo shoot!

Pulling Up

Although he's been pulling up to his knees for several weeks, Nathan had only pulled up to standing once or twice when he was really after something and not really paying attention to what he was doing. Yesterday, however, something clicked for him, and now Nathan is pulling up on everything as easily and casually as if he'd been doing it his entire life! He still hasn't quite figured out how to get down, which has resulted in a few face plants, but I'm sure that will work itself out soon.

Pulled up on the coffee table to do a little reading.

Checking out the newly refinished chest from Northport. Todd restored it, and it's now our new coffee table. It looks great!

Meeting Miles Robert Appledorn

Yesterday we went to Holt to meet Miles Robert Appledorn!! As can only be expected with Annalee and Dan for parents, Miles is absolutely adorable. We were lucky enough to spend some time with him while he was wide awake and then also got to have some sleepy newborn snuggles.

It was really amazing to see Nathan and Miles side by side. Nathan seemed like a giant!! It is mind boggling to think about how quickly he has grown and changed. I loved snuggling with sweet little Miles, hearing his newborn cries and gurgles, and seeing Annalee and Dan as parents. They seem to be doing great--rolling with the changes, supporting each other, and are clearly completely thrilled with this little person they created.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wedding Reception

After the photos were done, it was party time!!!! The reception was held at Cityscape, which is right in downtown Kalamazoo. It was a great venue in a great location. The food was delicious, the cupcakes were provided by our good friend Jared of A Food Affair, and we partied all night!

The head table. Hmmm... who did such a great job of attaching the monogram? Must be a very talented person!

I had to take a picture of Erin Fowle and Erin Fowle! :)

Cutting the cake--they were nice and didn't smear it on each others' face.

First dance as husband and wife.

Father and Daughter dance.

Mother and son