Well, travel season is officially underway. I have spent this week on a whirlwind tour through Texas. I flew in to Houston on Sunday, had a great interview with a prospective student, and then headed over to Jennifer's house for dinner. It was so wonderful to just hang out at her house and catch up. I met her son Blake for the first time, and he is just an adorable, smiley, sweet little guy. 3 year old Brooke is still the little spitfire that I fell in love with when I met her last year! I am so thankful for friends like Jenn who, even though we don't keep in touch as regularly as we should, still feels so comfortable and natural to hang out with.
Monday I spent most of the day driving all over town dropping off materials at high schools. After being gone so long, it is easy to forget how far apart everything is, and how many miles I can put on the car without ever leaving the city limits! I spent the evening interviewing three more great students--it was exhausting, but a great reminder of why I love my job.
Tuesday morning I hit the road and drove to Austin. I visited my favorite Waldorf school, and had a great conversation with the college counselor there. I then had lunch with Ashley, who was one of my favorite prospective students from years ago (she is now a K graduate and living back in Austin). It was wonderful to catch up with her and her life, even though it makes me feel old that students I recruited as high school seniors are now out of college and in the professional world! I spent the afternoon interviewing more great kids. After work I met up with Mike and Revell for a wonderful evening of conversation and great food. I love those two--they are like family, and are such a haven in the midst of Hampton Inn stays and solitary driving.
Wednesday was a hectic day as well--I attended three college fairs in one day! It was a great way to see a lot of kids in a limited time period, but it was a lot of time on my feet, and my voice is shot today. I discovered that standing for six hours at college fairs with a pregnant belly makes my feet swell--ugh! I would have really been cranky at the end of the day, except that I had dinner with Kate and Kyle, and then Kate joined me for the last fair of the day. It was great to catch up with them, and having Kate's energy and college fair experience made the evening enjoyable and speedy!
I am now in Dallas, and as no kids signed up to interview with me, I finally have a low key evening. I'm looking forward to BBQ for dinner, and then watching the VP debate in my pjs.
Tomorrow I have a few more meetings and then I fly home. I can't wait to be back in Kzoo for the weekend!
Wednesday was by far