Monday, July 28, 2008


Hello there! I thought that with the impending addition of a new baby, as well as our(hopefully, assuming that we sell our house) impending change of address, that it would be fun to chronicle our lives in the form of a blog. My goal is to post at least semi-regularly with pictures and tales of the exciting and mundane events in our lives.

So... here's a brief update:

1. We're pregnant!!! The little one is due to arrive January 10, 2009. However, if he/she is anything like me, there's no way he/she will get here on time! :)

2. We are trying to sell our house. Although we built it ourselves, and learned a LOT about construction, our relationship, landscaping, responsibility, and too many other tangible and intangible skills to count, Todd and I have decided that it is time to make a change in our housing situation. Part of this is because we have also learned about being house-poor through this experience! We are tired of spending almost every penny we earn on the mortgage or the myriad of other expenses that come from owning a home. Todd and I want to travel more, we want to be able to go out to dinner without balancing the checkbook to see if we can afford it, oh, and we want to be able to afford childcare!!

3. After many years of wishy-washiness about what I want to do with my career and what I want to get my grad degree in, I've finally come to a realization: I love working with late high school/early college aged students! Woo hoo! so I am planning to get my masters in higher education leadership from WMU, probably starting in the fall 2009. I'm thinking about moving into student affairs, but who knows, I never thought I'd be in admission longer than 2 years, so I could be a lifer! I'll keep you posted as school plans progress. Between growing the baby and house selling, I haven't put too much time and energy into the details of my class/work/parent schedule yet.